5 Ways to Level up the Fun at Your Team Dinners


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Whether your team is onsite together visiting a client, dining together to celebrate a major win, or getting to know each other at the start of a project, team dinners are a fantastic opportunity to build trust and strengthen relationships. And the celebration & recognition don’t have to be limited to shared hors d’oeuvres or cocktails! 

It’s special when your team comes together, so make the most of it with these 5 fun ways to learn about each other, share some laughs, & have a TON of fun. 

1. Magic Word 

  • Count how many people will be at the event, & cut 1-2 slips of paper for each person. 

  • On each slip of paper, write a question for them to answer or an action they have to take. 

  • Choose a magic word of the night. Every time someone says that word, have them draw a slip of paper from the bag. 

    • What was your favorite part of this year so far? 
    • What are you looking forward to in the new year? 
    • What was something that made you laugh hard this year?
    • For the remainder of the meal, you can only drink your beverage with your non-dominant hand. 
    • Switch seats with the person on your left. 
    • Order a drink for the person on your right. 

2. Memes

Print off a couple pictures of Internet memes without words. 

  • Choose a game leader. 

  • Go around the table and have everyone give the meme a caption, write it down on a piece of paper, & hand it to the game leader. 

  • The game leader reads the captions & everyone at the table has to guess who wrote which caption. 

• “Darn… This meeting could have been an email.” 
• "The face you make when someone schedules a meeting on a Friday afternoon."
• "When you accidentally reply all to the office email chain."

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3. Mad Libs

Create a custom Mad Lib that you set at everyone’s plate. (We can help with this!) 

  • Have everyone fill out their Mad Libs & go around the table sharing everyone’s story. 

    • Celebrating Our Wins! 
    • Cheers team. We did it! I can’t believe we __________ even with ___________ on our team. It was so rewarding when we ___________. Chad was so pleased that he even told me _________! I’m so excited to start _________ next year. At the end of the next quarter, I can’t wait to celebrate by ____________ the ____________. 

4. Tissue Box

  1. Open up one end of a tissue box. Add cards or prizes arbitrarily between the tissues with questions to answer, things to do, gift cards, or anything you like! Replace the stack inside the box.  Note: You don’t need to do a prize between every layer of tissue! 

  2. Wrap it up like a gift. 

  3. Bring the box & one game dice to dinner. 

  4. During the event, give someone the Kleenex box to unwrap & have them pull the first tissue & surprise card. 

  5. Once that person does the activity on the card, have them hand the box to the next person at the table along with the dice. 

  6. The next person rolls the dice & pulls the equivalent number of tissues out of the box. 

  7. Sometimes players will pull out a question or prize, & other times players will get nothing!  Example: You can use similar questions or tasks to the ones included in the Magic Word game above, or add other small prizes like sticks of gum, origami animals, stickers, gift cards, & more! 

5. Custom Cookies

We always think it’s fun to have something at the table when people arrive! It’s a great chance to show them you went above & beyond. 

  • Collaborate with a local bakery or get your crafiest team member to make them! 

  • Bonus points if it’s decorated in your team colors, a mascot, or an inside joke! You can even attach a little card or thank you note that uses the FBI Model of Recognition. 

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